Health and safety
At Gradco, commitment to health and safety is our number one priority. Our objective is to achieve a 100% injury free work environment.
We have a proven safety record and maintain a high level of integrity, awareness and responsibility. Our employees are encouraged and expected to be safe at work by visibly and actively promoting and driving safety - never at any time compromising the safety of themselves or others.
At Gradco, we have a genuine commitment in establishing, implementing and maintaining our safety management systems, in conjunction with leadership and processes.
To ensure we achieve this, we:
- Have established measurable health and safety objectives and targets, which are reviewed and monitored regularly
- Identify, evaluate and manage all risks that arise from the work we carry out
- Comply with all relevant Occupational Health & Safety legislation, Standards and Codes of Practice
- Maintain a workplace culture and foster behaviour among our people that encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own health and safety
- Provide induction and training for our people
Gradco’s Safety Management System is third party certified to ISO 45001:2018
At Gradco we recognise that we conduct operations in a fragile and ever-changing environment and understand the importance of limiting our environmental footprint.
To achieve this, we strive at all times to prevent pollution and seek continual improvement with respect to emissions, discharges, wastes, energy efficiency and resource consumption.
We are committed to carrying out all activities in accordance with legal and other requirements, setting achievable objectives and targets with the aim of exceeding the expectations of our clients, their customers, and the community generally.
This commitment extends throughout all areas of the business; our employees are educated and trained to continually improve their awareness, skills and knowledge of environmental issues and practices.
At Gradco we conduct operations Australia-wide across many diverse sectors, often located in areas of national environmental or cultural significance.
We have a proven record of undertaking our works with minimal environmental impact.
Our proactive management approach and the environmental policies and procedures we have in place allow us to conduct ourselves in this way - backed by the commitment and support from our management team to our people on the ground.
Gradco’s Environmental Management System is third party certified to ISO 14001:2015
At Gradco, we endeavour to provide quality outcomes by exceeding our client’s requirements and expectations in a pro-active, professional and cost-effective manner.
Our commitment to continual improvement ensures that our systems and processes remain in line with - or exceed - industry best practice.
Gradco’s Quality Management System is third party certified to ISO 9001:2015
Gradco meet the requirements of the Australian Government's Building and Construction Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme)
Accreditation number - 428